Dear Past Employer: Thank You for the Job

In honor of the potential employer who has granted me a job interview today, I want to share this post again, originally published in March of this year on Handshake 2.0.

Dear Past Employer,

Thank you for the job.

I launched my first startup in July of 2008 with classic entrepreneurial passion for my great idea – an innovation in business public relations, Handshake 2.0! Handshake 2.0 would generate hockey stick growth and create jobs!

I was a business novice and believed with classic entrepreneurial arrogance that my great idea would create its own market and its own customers. Jobs would magically and organically result.

O, Past Employer, I had no idea of the heart, mind, thought, effort, time you gave and the risk you took to create that job for me! [Read more…]