About Handshake Media

Handshake Media, Incorporated

Handshake Media, Incorporated is a health communications and media company.

From 2008 to 2012, this was the company description:

Handshake Media, Incorporated is a communications technology company specializing in public relations and mobile technologies to generate market awareness and market action for its business-to-business and business-to-consumer clients. Handshake Media creates both the method and the message to achieve meaningful connection and strategic results for corporations, organizations and enterprises seeking global reach for their products and services. Handshake Media, Incorporated is based in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.

Handshake 2.0(R), an enterprise of Handshake Media, is a business news, public relations, and business development site. It features the latest in entrepreneurship, business models, business leaders, and innovation and companies, from start-ups to moguls. Handshake 2.0 launched on July 28, 2008. The Handshake 2.0 App was released August 9, 2010.

Handshake Media, Incorporated was founded by Anne Giles and incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia, United States of America, on August 5, 2008.

Handshake Media, Incorporated
509 Fairview Avenue
Blacksburg, VA 24060-5007
(540) 808-6334

From Handshake Media, we offer you our theme song and music video. Enjoy!